Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A thought

Everybody iz selfish in this world, even those who help others are also selfish. They help others coz they feel happy by helping others. So they help others for their own happiness but not for the happiness of others.


Aashima said...

Well I'd still say the same.. if being selfish help others. selfishness is not a thing to be condemned!!

Vernika said...

well don't know wat made u write this but my point of view saz, not everyone who feels happy by helping others z selfish..sometimes u are ready to do anything just to see a smile of ur dear ones coz that smile makes u happy..does that mean you are selfish???

Another Brick in the wall... said...

that's what m saying.....u r ready to do anything to see a smile somone's else face, and u r doing it coz it makes u happy n thats selfishness.......m nt saying itz bad bt its selfishness and this shows that selfishness should nt be looked down.......A selfish person is not necessarily a bad person

Vernika said...

maybe now am getting ur point, selfishness z sumthin that should not be considered as negative!!
yea, somewhere u have a point, its almost in all of us..pretty right!! Nice thought mahn!!